Provided with a set of index Bloomberg tickers pulls qualitative information on the corresponding index(es) or retrieves it from an existing storethat SQLite database.

pull_index_info(source = "Bloomberg", tickers, file = NULL, ...)



a scalar character vector. Specifies the data source for the query: "Bloomberg" or "storethat". Defaults to "Bloomberg".


a chatacter vector. Specifies the futures active contract Bloomberg tickers to query data for.


a scalar chatacter vector. Optional parameter that specifies the target storethat SQLite database file to retrieve data from.


optional parameters to pass to the bdp function from the Rblpapi package used for the query (options parameter).


An S4 object of class IndexInfo.

See also


if (FALSE) { BBG_info <- pull_index_info(source = "Bloomberg", tickers = c("NEIXCTA Index", "BARCCTA Index")) storethat_info <- pull_index_info(source = "storethat", file = "~/storethat.sqlite", tickers = c("NEIXCTA Index", "BARCCTA Index")) storethat_info <- pull_index_info(source = "storethat", tickers = c("NEIXCTA Index", "BARCCTA Index")) }